Q: Hi Smart Mama,
My son is very active, but unfortunately he doesn't like drinking mineral water. I have done various tricks so that he wants to drink lots of mineral water, but they haven't worked. Even when thirsty, he only wants to drink milk, juice, or tea. Mineral water maybe only two glasses per day. Actually, how much fluid does a 2 year old toddler need?
Aleta, 28 years old, mother of Marissa, 2 years old.
A: Hi Mama Aleta,
Meeting the needs of your little one's body fluids is a must. Because in addition to not being dehydrated, drinking enough water will also support your little one's health.
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Experts advise us to stay hydrated every day. If it is lacking, dehydration can interfere with cognition, focus, and memory of your little one. Meanwhile, the risk of dehydration, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure, constipation, and other chronic diseases will lurk your little one in the future.
Drinking Unclean Water; According to the Institute of Medicine's Dietary Reference Intakes for Electrolytes and Water, children aged 1 to 3 years need about 1.3 liters of fluids per day, or the equivalent of 5 - 8 glasses of water. To meet these fluid needs, your little one can drink mineral water throughout the day or it can be combined with other healthy drinks such as milk and natural fruit juices.
In addition, about 20% of your little one's daily fluid intake can also be obtained from foods that contain lots of water such as juicy fruits (watermelon, pears, etc.), vegetables, whole grains and soups.
Education, Your little one's fluid needs will increase when the air is hot or he is more active than usual. You can tell if your little one has had enough mineral water or not by looking at the color of your little one's urine. If the color of the urine is clear or almost clear, then the body's fluid needs are fulfilled. However, if your little one's urine is yellowish, then he needs to drink more water.
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Reduce your little one's tea consumption. Mamas can replace it with natural juices or sliced fruit such as watermelon or pear.