Selasa, 11 Mei 2021

The Kipahare Association Protects the Cultural and Historical Heritage of Sukabumi

Kipahare Museum

Before becoming one of the magnets in President Joko Widodo's map of attention, Sukabumi was a new area that was literally rich. Starting from natural resources, culture, to history. These pieces of evidence can be found at the Kipahare Museum, Baros.

The museum, which is only two years old, is managed by the Kipahare community. The community name is another name for the jajar tree, which is believed to be the origin of settlements in Sukabumi. In the museum, you can see the relics that exist in the Sukabumi area from stone age civilizations, kingdoms, to colonials.

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Examples include areas, heirlooms, relics of the Dutch era (letters, ceramics, etc.), to farming and cooking equipment used by residents. One of the community members and the younger brother of the founder of the Kipahare community, "Fawaz" said that community activities are still under development. Such as gathering regularly with volunteers for various knowledge, and holding training to maintain the original Sundanese art by katakita.

"Usually every week we gather with volunteers to share knowledge related to historical objects, because this requires special treatment," he said at the Kipahare Museum. He admitted that most of those who are interested in volunteering are students and common people. Meanwhile, elementary or middle school students are still only curious.

Not only that, community members also plan to sell souvenirs for guests so they can have mementos when visiting the museum.

"We are designing the goes to school program, hopefully it can be implemented soon. The goal is so that students can find out that this activity is actually fun and fun, who knows they are also interested in volunteering and maintaining the wealth of Sukabumi," Telisik.

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In managing it, he continued that the Kipahare community received assistance from the private sector and the government. For now, the Kipahare community has a free place to be turned into a museum by the Baros District, a former public library building. However, because the place was not big enough to hold the entire collection, only a part of it was displayed.

News, For this reason, the Kipahare community continues to strive to have their own buildings so that all historical objects related to Sukabumi, both city and district, can be introduced to the community. Community participation is very much needed to realize this dream through donation efforts.


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