DUNIAKANA - American infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday (11/7) lamented political divisions over coronavirus vaccination.
Polls show that Democrats, who are generally more liberal in their support of government programs, are far more willing to be vaccinated than Republicans, who tend to be more skeptical about government measures and hold conservative views on individual rights.
COVID-19 Vaccination, One recent poll showed 93% of people who identify as Democrats say they have been vaccinated or intend to be vaccinated. While only 49% of Republicans say they have been vaccinated or plan to do so.
On ABC News' "This Week" program, Fauci said "we are trying to put politics aside. Virus doesn't know the difference between Democrats, Republicans or independents."
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Covid-19 "We have to distance ourselves from divisions," said Fauci, who is also President Joe Biden's top medical adviser. He added, the vaccine available in America has proven to be effective against the corona virus.
News, Fauci further said he understands that some conservative groups, who are generally in the south of America and in the last presidential election chose Donald Trump over Joe Biden, are reluctant to get vaccinated because health regulators only approve vaccines for emergency purposes and have not given full approval.
But Fauci said "there is no doubt that the vaccines will have full approval."
For the time being, he said, "the benefits of vaccination clearly outweigh the risks," Fauci said. He added that the available vaccine is also highly effective against the so-called “irritating Delta variant” which was first discovered in India and is now widespread in parts of the American community.
Governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson, a state with low vaccination rates, said there was clear "conservative skepticism about the government" that had to be "addressed with truth" about the vaccine's effectiveness.
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Hutchinson told the ABC that apart from being protected from the coronavirus, those who were vaccinated also benefited from no longer needing to wear masks. He added that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the CDC “was right. If you are vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask."
In the United States, the CDC reports that 67.5% of adults have received at least one dose of the vaccine and 58.7% have been fully vaccinated or received two doses of the vaccine.